

About Deshitabi

What is DESHI? The word deshi means apprentice. For centuries, the evolution of Japan’s traditional crafts world has been rooted in its master-apprentice system. Generation after generation of apprentice artisans spend decades studying alongside their masters, acquiring the technical expertise and cultural practices of Japan’s traditional crafts. This learning style not only helps keep Japan’s artisan traditions alive, it enables the craft world to adjust to shifting modern times.

And TABI? The word tabi means journey – one that goes deep beneath the surface of typical tourist trips. It’s a journey that evokes a sense of adventure, offering the opportunity to delve into the heritage and traditions of Japan’s crafts regions across the archipelago. This kind of trip not only provides the opportunity to learn about regional techniques and production styles, but also taps into each area’s own unique identity – and ultimately, creates a lasting personal bond.

Deshitabi is a new style of travel. A modern take on the traditional apprentice-master dynamic, it’s a unique experience that offers the rare opportunity to learn, at first hand, from Japan’s finest craftsmanship masters who share generations-old techniques and methods – all with a modern twist.

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